Emergency Clinic SEO Content Marketing Case Study

How RedShift Strategists Drove Organic Traffic for a Professional Emergency Clinic: SEO for Small Business Case Study

Website Engagement Results

More than 3X growth in web traffic over 19 months

More than 3X growth in users over 19 months

More than 3X growth in new users over 19 months

Four years and counting of dependable SEO content service

Website sessions from 2016 to 2021
User engagement from 2016 to 2021
New Users from 2016 to 2021

Services Provided

SEO Strategy

Content Strategy

Calendar Creation


We have been working with RedShift since 2016. They have consistently produced content about relevant health topics, upcoming treatments at our Hospitality Health locations, as well as local and nation-wide events. Their ability to produce high quality work in a timely manner is optimal in our fast-paced industry.
Jill Shipp
Jill Shipp
VP of Business Development, Hospitality Health ER
I’ve enjoyed working with RedShift Strategists, as they effectively learn their clients / industries / locales and produce thoroughly written content. Many of their posts have become “evergreen” with high rankings for U.S. searches on medical topics, educating our proximate readership, bringing new visitors and increasing our site’s overall authority. Local attractions posts have been fan favorites as well!
Jeremy Poland
Jeremy Poland
Founder of The Platform Shop, SEO/WordPress/Content Expert

The Challenge

An emergency clinic with locations in three different cities sought to raise awareness of each location and to communicate medical guidance directly to patients in the cities they serve. Their doctors have always strived to provide the highest level of care and the greatest possible level of comfort to patients. However, at the time our engagement began, their marketing was not aligned with their goals as a business or their brand as an ER. They needed a more proactive marketing mix to accomplish their goals.

RedShift Strategists was brought in to write helpful content that made the advice of the clinic’s medical team accessible to the general public. We were also tasked with driving web traffic that could potentially be converted into new patients. Key Performance Indicators for the project included website visits, total users, and new users to the website as well as search rankings for select keywords.

The Strategy

RedShift Strategists, a web developer, and a digital ad partner were able to assist the client and provide a professional mix of digital and traditional marketing.

By starting with an assessment of the top SEO keywords for ERs in the geographic area, RedShift Strategists produced articles that took over top spots on Google and significantly boosted key performance metrics for the client, correlating to an increase in leads and business growth that was resilient to seasonal sales cycles.

RedShift’s content strategy established four pillars as topics for the company: Community Events, Parenting, Health, and Medical Conditions. By focusing on these concepts, RedShift Strategists was able to produce ongoing content that positioned the client to cultivate meaningful connections with their community.

Successful Tactics

  • Produced geo-specific blogs that drove social media traffic and community interest. These blogs highlighted local community events, healthy restaurants, and other places of interest in the cities that our client served
  • Held social media contests with prizes that were appealing to the audience
  • Created scavenger hunt contests that encouraged readers to find information on blogs and videos to reduce bounce rate
  • Wrote keyword-rich landing pages to complement pay-per-click campaigns that increased leads and conversion
  • Wrote timely blogs with expert opinions on relevant current events, many of which served as evergreen content that remains relevant for future seasonal cycles or holidays
  • Wrote keyword-rich web pages with long-form content to drive SEO improvements

Want an SEO content strategy that drives traffic to your site?